Friday, May 28, 2010

I HATE Timid People On the Highway

I detest when on a 4 or 6 lane highway, timid people creep up on my behind, and just stay there, riding my ass. Obviously they were going faster than me, or they never would have caught up with me. So why do they lower their speed and follow me, instead of passing me, and going their original/desired speed??? It burns me up.

I flash them my 4-ways a few times, then if that doesn't work, I sometimes go into the left lane & HOPE they pass me on the right, -OR- I slow down from my usual 60 MPH to 55, and hope they finally pass me. If THAT fails to do the trick, then I slow to 50 MPH, and they finally pass. Then I HONK at them for their idiocy!