Friday, May 28, 2010

I HATE Timid People On the Highway

I detest when on a 4 or 6 lane highway, timid people creep up on my behind, and just stay there, riding my ass. Obviously they were going faster than me, or they never would have caught up with me. So why do they lower their speed and follow me, instead of passing me, and going their original/desired speed??? It burns me up.

I flash them my 4-ways a few times, then if that doesn't work, I sometimes go into the left lane & HOPE they pass me on the right, -OR- I slow down from my usual 60 MPH to 55, and hope they finally pass me. If THAT fails to do the trick, then I slow to 50 MPH, and they finally pass. Then I HONK at them for their idiocy!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Man Complains About My Flatch At Urinal

While at truckstop urinal, someone commented/complained about a stray fart I expelled. At 1st I thought he was kidding, and played along, much to my dismay, he wasn't kidding!!! What a moron. A stray fart during peeing is just part of the process!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

"History Shows Again and Again How Nature Points Up the Folly of Men"

Those lyrics by BOC (Blue Oyster Cult) are quite prophetic!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Christian Dark Ages

This is a cryin' shame!!! We would all probably have robotic slaves by now to do all the menial tasks, freeing us up for all the fun stuff, if it weren't for the CDA (sob, sob).

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Weird Toilet Phenomenon

One of our four toilets has a weird phenomenon; sometimes it flushes perfectly fine, and sometimes it flushes poorly. And I'm talking about liquid only (no solids).

When it flushes poorly, the amount of water coming from the tank is exactly the same as a good flush, but it just swirls with little going down, so if there indeed were solids in bowl, little to none would go down, requiring a (hopefully good) 2nd flush.

How can this be? The flush differences are light night & day. It seems like there is a violation of the laws of physics going on.


Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire!

Indian doctors are studying an 83-year-old holy man who claims to have spent the last seven decades without food and water.

Military doctors hope the experiments on Prahlad Jani can help soldiers develop their survival strategies.

The long-haired and bearded yogi is under 24-hour observation by a team of 30 specialists during three weeks of tests at a hospital in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad.

Two cameras have been set up in his room, while a mobile camera films him when he goes outside, guaranteeing round-the-clock observation.

His body will be scanned and his brain and heart activity measured with electrodes.

"The observation from this study may throw light on human survival without food and water," said Dr. G. Ilavazahagan, who is directing the research. "This may help in working out strategies for survival during natural calamities, extreme stressful conditions and extra-terrestrial explorations like future missions to the Moon and Mars by the human race."

Since the experiment began on April 22, Jani has had no food or water and has not been to the toilet.

"The exercise of taking this yogi under the medical scanner is to understand what energy supports his existence," Ilavazahagan added. "Jani says he meditates to get energy. Our soldiers will not be able to meditate, but we would still like to find out more about the man and his body."

Jani, who dresses in red and wears a nose ring, grew up in Charod village in the Mehsana district in Gujarat.

He claims to have been blessed by a goddess when he was 8-years-old, which has enabled him to survive without sustenance.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

India To Sell Pickups In U.S. Soon

NEW YORK – Indian truck maker Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. has run all of the required Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Admin. tests necessary for certification to begin selling vehicles in the U.S, but it has not submitted the paperwork.

“The government has nothing to review at this time,” says a Global Vehicles U.S.A. Inc. insider.

Mahindra now says first trucks to be built in India, not U.S.

Global Vehicles, which has its headquarters in Alphareta, GA, has exclusive rights to distribute Mahindra's TR 20 and TR 40 diesel-powered small pickups.

The distributor previously has announced a number of launch plans going back more than a year. But its latest date for this spring seems unattainable, as Mahindra still lacks federal certification.

Global Vehicles CEO John Perez has said Mahindra executives have not informed him of their plans to ship the pickups here, according to the insider, noting Perez has indicated Mahindra is determined not to bring the trucks here until they are totally right.

Global Vehicles has signed up 340 dealers, some of whom have paid a franchise fee of $195,000 for the right to sell the Indian trucks in the U.S. Some paid a lower franchise fee when the distributor started recruiting dealers a little over three years ago.

Mahindra initially plans to distribute the 2-door TR 20 and 4-door TR 40 in the U.S. Both pickups will be powered by a 2.2L diesel engine that generates 140 hp and 236 lb.-ft. (320 Nm) of torque.
Related Stories
Mahindra Yardstick for Small-Pickup Segment?
Mahindra Eyes December Production Launch for U.S. Truck

A 6-speed automatic transmission is standard for both models. The trucks also will use a urea solution to treat oxides of nitrogen emissions in order to be certified in all states.

Mahindra originally said the trucks would be assembled in the U.S., but has not selected a site for a plant yet. Instead, the truck maker says its first products will be built in India and shipped here, even though that means a 25% truck import tariff will be added.

Global Vehicles plans to begin distribution in the southeast region of the U.S. when it receives the trucks and then widen distribution across the entire country.

The distributor previously announced it would also bring Mahindra's 4-wheel-drive utility vehicles here as an additional part of dealer portfolios.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cultural Shock

When I was 16, I drove my family to Florida in 1973 (this was during the "gas crisis") from the Pacific Northwest (all 3,435 miles). Back then, many of the Interstates were not complete, and AAA (actually CAA) had routed us on several back roads for the shortest route.

I had never been in the "deep south" before. Well, going thru such states as Mississippi and Alabama, we went thru hick towns and spied old shacks with "porch monkeys" sittin' out front. It was quite a cultural shock!

Goldie Hawn

She's my favorite Jew.

I've followed her since her appearance on Laugh-In in the 60's.

Did you know she has historic American roots? Her dad, Edward Rutledge Hawn, a band musician who played at major events in Washington, DC is a direct descendant of Edward Rutledge, a signatory of the Declaration of Independence.