Sunday, February 21, 2010

Humpty Dumpty

I can see all the King's men trying to put Humpty Dumpty back together again, but the horses trying? I doubt that part of the story really happened.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nail Trimming

My intention when trimming my fingernails or toenails, is to trim them all, collect them up, and throw them away as a unit. But sometimes, one goes flying, and I can't find it. I search all over for it, then finally give up. Why do I do this? It is only a nail. Who cares if I don't find it?


Why I Sport A Mustache

(A) It is the hardest place to shave, it seems. Even when I do, I always seem to have a shadow, and it looks like I am "trying" to grow a mustache.

(B) When I was about 25, the same day I decided to shave my mustache for a change, when I was mowing the lawn, some girl was going door to door selling something. She asked me if my mom or dad were home.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

WHY Are Sooo many People Too DUMB To Figure Out How To Use Their Vehicle's Cruise Control???

It really ticks me off that so many people are too dumb to figure out how to use their cruise control on their vehicle.

I often follow people on a two-lane road, and their speed constantly goes up and down. Up and down. Up and down. It is extremely rude to people behind them. They seem to be completely oblivious to their faulty driving habit.

I Don't Understand The Sneeze

I don't understand the sneeze. I'm in bed all night long, then in the morning I sneeze several times. I've been exposed to the exact same air for many hours without sneezing, then suddenly I have to.

I think there must be something supernatural about the sneeze, such as a ghost passing close by me or something.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Best & Worst Presidents of the USA

Some would like to say that Jimmy Carter was the worst President, others foolishly would say George Bush, but neither are true.

The very best include:

* Washington

* Jefferson

* Lincoln

* T. Roosevelt


* Truman

The worst include:

* Filmore

* Pierce

* Buchanan

* Harding

Rankings according to: