Sunday, July 25, 2010

7-27-77: A Day To Remember

It was a day back when nobody had a cell phone.

It was a day back when nobody had a PC and computers with relatively low capability that took up a whole room, & put out massive amount of waste heat, used mag tape and punch cards.

It was a day back when the world was supposed to run out of petroleum within the next decade.

It was a day back when there were still two Germanys.

It was a day back when VW (old) Beetles were running around all over the place.

It was a day back when cassette tape was the latest & greatest technology for music.

It was a day back when Jimmy Carter was in the Oval Office.

It was a day back when nobody had a GPS, and satellite dishes were huge and few people had them.

It was a day back when there was still a Soviet Union and the Cold War and the threat of nuclear war was very much still ongoing.

It was the day I met my wife.

It was the day my life has never been the same.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

I HATE Getting Old!!!

One of my meals (i.e. dinner) on the road used to be pork & beans; I'd eat either one large can or two smaller cans. But no more. The last two times I et beans, while trying to sleep I ended up having massive gas, major intestinal distress, and have to take a dump in the middle of the night, which means having to fully get dressed (I sleep nekked) & go to the truck stop bathroom, or in the case of the time before last (where there was no bathroom available), take a dump in a a triple Wal Mart bag lined bucket!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Moe: Did You Take A Bath? Larry: No! Is There One Missing?

When I was a kid, this is no lie: I'd take a bath once a week, always on a Saturday. Then, it was my younger brother's turn in the same bathwater. Then after that, my grandmother would take a bath!!! You see, she lived lived through The Great Depression, and was extremely frugal.

I remember when granny would use an egg, she'd scrape and scrape the shell with her thumb to get every molecule of egg white out.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I Have Expanded My Job Title

*** Left click on photo for full size!!! ***

I used to say I was a CVPOO (Commercial Vehicle Professional Owner Operator), but now I expanded it to:

CVPOO/FRE (Commercial Vehicle Professional Owner Operator / Freight Relocation Engineer).

Ants In My Pee Bottle!

Before leaving for my weekly trek this week, I rummaged through our plastic bottle recycle bin that was on our back porch, searching for any 1/2 gallon bottles to be used as urinals on the road. (I primarily use one gallon Hawaiian Punch Light bottles).

I found a 1/2 gallon fruit juice bottle with the cover on, but not on super tight. There were dozens of ants in the bottle. How on earth did they get in???

Friday, May 28, 2010

I HATE Timid People On the Highway

I detest when on a 4 or 6 lane highway, timid people creep up on my behind, and just stay there, riding my ass. Obviously they were going faster than me, or they never would have caught up with me. So why do they lower their speed and follow me, instead of passing me, and going their original/desired speed??? It burns me up.

I flash them my 4-ways a few times, then if that doesn't work, I sometimes go into the left lane & HOPE they pass me on the right, -OR- I slow down from my usual 60 MPH to 55, and hope they finally pass me. If THAT fails to do the trick, then I slow to 50 MPH, and they finally pass. Then I HONK at them for their idiocy!

Sunday, May 23, 2010